MySQL Data Types

2020, May 23    

String Types

  1. CHAR(size) letters, numbers and special characters fixed length size: from 0 to 255, default 1
  2. VARCHAR(size) letters, numbers and special characters variable length size: maximal length, 0-65535
  3. BINDARY(size) binary byte fixed length size: column length, default to 1
  4. VARBINARY(size) binary byte variable length size: maximum length
  5. TINYBLOB BLOBs(Binary Large Objects) max length: 255 bytes
  6. TINYTEXT String with maximum length 255
  7. TEXT(size) string with maximum 65535
  8. BLOB(size) BLOBs up to 65535 bytes
  9. MEDIUMTEXT <=4,294,967,295 characters
  10. MEDIUMBLOB <=16,777,215 bytes
  11. LONGTEXT maximum 4,294,967,295
  12. LONGBLOB maximum 4,294,967,295 bytes
  13. ENUM the list can contain 65535 values If a value is not in the list, a blank value will be inserted
  14. SET 64 values list

Numeric Data Types:

option: UNSIGNED: disallow negative values ZEROFILL: Automatically adds UNSIGNED to the column

  1. BIT(size) bit-value type 1 to 64, default 1
  2. TINYBIT(size) -128 to 127 or 0 to 255 size: the maximum display width
  4. SMALLINT(size)
  5. MEDIUMINT(size)
  6. INT/INTEGER(size)
  7. BIGINT(size)
  8. FLOAT(size, d) d: precision
  9. FLOAT(p) p: wheather to use FLOAT or DOUBLE P:0-24, FLOAT() P:25-53: DOUBLE()
  10. DOUBLE(size, d)
  11. DECIMAL/DEC(size, d)

Date and Time

  1. DATE format: YYYY-MM-DD
  2. DATETIME(fsp) a date and time combination YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss DEFAULT and ON UPDATE: get initialization and updating to the current datetime
  3. TIMESTAMP(fsp) the number of seconds since the Unix epoch(1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: current date and time
  4. TIME(fsp) hh:mm:ss
  5. YEAR